Coach with WOD (workout of the day) whiteboard at Capital City Athletics Edmonton

Workout of the day

The WOD is your daily dose of variety and challenge, carefully crafted by our expert coaches.



12 min EMOM

Min 1: 8 / 6 / 6 / 4 Bench Press
Min 2: 8-10 Seated DB Press (light / moderate)
Min 3: 12 DB Reverse flys

Finisher: 1 Max Set of Bench Press @ 50% of your last set of 4s from today

*Starting at about 60-70% build over each set as the reps decrease on bench press. For each set you should have 2-3 more reps in the tank.
Think about reaching out and away from your body with slight bend in your


For time:

9 Power-Cleans
7 Power-Cleans
5 Power-Cleans

* Barbell Weights increase each round:
L1: 9 PCL #55/75 - 7 PCL #65/95 - 5 PCL #85/115
L2: 9 PCL #95/135 - 7 PCL #105/155 - 5 PCL #125/185
L3: 9 PCL #125/185 - 7 PCL #145/205 - 5 PCL #155/225

*Scale HSPU with Z-Press


No measure

12 Evils wheel + 6 Slow eccentric dragon flags (3-5 sec)
4 mins Plank (accumulate)

* Start with 12 evils wheels + 6 dragon flags, then hold a plank
for as long as you can, when you break from the plank complete
another round of evil wheels + dragon flags. Continue this pattern
until you have accumulated 4 full mins of planking.


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